Tuesday, March 1, 2011


What's Adelfa today?
Part Uses
Bark,Leaves and Roots

Leaves and flowers are considered cardiotonic, diaphoretic, diuretic,
emetic and expectorant. Whole plant believed to have anticancer properties

Herpes zoster (skin): Crush leaves, mix with oil and apply on lesions. Do not apply on raw surface. Milky juice of the plant is irritating. Caution: Not to be taken internally.
- Herpes simplex: Mix 1 cup of chopped leaves and bark with 2 tablespoons of oil. Apply to lesions 3 times daily.
- Ringworm: Chop a foot long branch and mix with 1 cup chopped fresh young leaves. Mix the juice with 5 drops of fresh coconut oil. Apply 3 times daily.
- Snake bites: Pound 10 leaves and a piece of branch. Apply poultice to the wound.
- Root, locally and internally, used for abortion.
- Roots, made into paste with water, used for hemorrhoids.
- Roots and bark used externally for eczema, snake bites and as insecticide.
- Fresh leaves applied to tumors to hasten suppuration.
- In traditional Chinese medicine, the flowers and leaves have been used to stimulate the cardiac muscles, relieve pain and eliminate blood stasis.

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